The black geese are very beautiful. I have never seen black geese.

Tony and Dylan on the train.

Cynthia and Dwight

The train brought us through gates and right to the animals. First we saw the Ostrich.

We are still on the train here, but once we were off we went to feed the giraffes. Cynthia got an excited giraffe who wrapped its tongue around here whole hand. I must say it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, that could be because Cynthia's reaction was panic.

We did see zeebras, camels, porky pines, lions, and more tigers. They animals go on and on. We rode the sky ride which was a 15 min ride over the park. It was wonderful.
Once we finished with the animal park we visited the aquarium side. The first thing we did was went on the Log Flume Ride. This brought us through an aquarium and then we reach the drop and got wet.
We saw penguins, that was awesome, they would follow your hands outside the tank. We were able to touch sting rays. We also saw the white aligator.
It was an enjoyable day and we plan on doing it again next year.