Lexie, beagle, born July 9, 2007. Rumor has it Lexie Lou is my favorite. I will not deny this but do not tell the others ;) .
Buster, beagle, born June 29, 2007. Buster is our only boy.

Sadie, bassett, born April 30, 2007. I call Sadie "happy ears" I love it when her ears are up.

Bailey, beagle, born April 23, 2007.

Belle, beagle, born February 4, 2007.

Misty, beagle, born January 7, 2007.

Mollie, beagle, born December 24, 2006.
We love all our babies very much, mostly because no matter what, they are happy to see us when we come home. Sometimes they even sing to us, so loud the neighbors can also enjoy.
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